Economic Review 2018-19 : For UPSC Exam PDF Book

Economic Review 2018-19 : For UPSC Exam PDF Book

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Name of Book :  Economic Review 2018-19 / आर्थिक समीक्षा 2018-19 

Hope This Economic Review 2018-19 Book will Step up you to Succeed / आशा करते हैं आर्थिक समीक्षा 2018-19 पुस्तक आपके कदम सफलता की ओर ले जायगी

Language of Book : English

Size of Ebook : [Part-I-12.1 MB] [Part-II-25.7]

Total pages in ebook : [Part-I-228] [Part-I-470]

Ebook Downloading Status  : Best 
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Description about eBook : During the last five years, India’s economy has performed well. By opening up several pathways for trickle-down, the government has ensured that the benefits of growth and macroeconomic stability reach the bottom of the pyramid. To achieve the objective of becoming a USD 5 trillion economy by 2024-25, as laid down by the Prime Minister, India needs to sustain a real GDP growth rate of 8%. International experience, especially from high-growth East Asian economies, suggests that such growth can only be sustained by a “virtuous cycle” of savings, investment and exports catalyzed and supported by a favorable demographic phase. Investment, especially private investment, is the “key driver” that drives demand, creates capacity, increases labor productivity, introduces new technology, allows creative destruction, and generates jobs. Exports must form an integral part of the growth model because higher savings preclude domestic consumption as the driver of final demand. Similarly, job creation is driven by this virtuous cycle. While the claim is often made that investment displaces jobs, this remains true only when viewed within the silo of a specific activity. When examined across the entire value chain, capital investment fosters job creation as the production of capital goods, research & development and supply chains generate jobs.............

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